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... a testimony by William Hesbrook

I wonder if you’ve ever found a bottle at the seashore with a message in it. Here is my own personal experience of a message at the seaside, albeit not in a bottle.  Back in 1997 things were very difficult and despairing in my work situation. I did not know how to handle the situation or indeed who to talk to in order to resolve the scheming that was going on. I was a victim of the domination, manipulation, dishonesty and control of others.

On Boxing Day the family and I went for a walk at Murlough Bay. The wind was blowing, the tide was in and the waves were thundering upon the stony foreshore. All sorts of thoughts about returning to work were going through my mind. I had prayed about this and others had prayed with me too, but there just did not seem to be the answers coming that I needed. In my despair I bent down and picked up a stone from the beach. I don’t know how many years it had been there being washed over by the tide. Neither have I any idea of the thousands of years that have passed since this piece of rock was formed. It was an oval piece of grey basalt with the perfect shape of the cross of Calvary formed through it by a seam of another rock.

I had got my answer; the piece of rock in my hand was just a reminder of Jesus, the One who is the Rock of my Salvation. Coincidence? For you maybe, but for me it was a God-incidence. In the days that followed I saw those who had schemed becoming victims of their own scheming and I was vindicated.

The story does not end there, for this summer we were back at Murlough. For the second time I lifted a stone from the beach, and yes, it was a dead ringer for the one I had lifted years before! Coincidence again? Definitely not. Just a loving Heavenly Father reminding me a second time of His personal interest and concern for me, and indeed of His second coming.  Nobody can convince me now that God is not interested in my every personal need.

“I will sing unto you with joy oh Lord for you’re the rock of my Salvation”.

© W Hesbrook 2000