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For memorable quips, quotes and pictures

  Prayer is asking for rain.
Faith is carrying an umbrella.
I'm justified by the
blood of Jesus:
never sinned!
(Derek Prince)
No God - No Peace
Know God - Know Peace
(Author Unknown)

What is a daily devotional?
 "It is nothing else than constant awareness of God's enfolding presence, the holding of inward conversations with Christ and
private worship of God in spirit
and in truth."
(A W Tozer)
If you are born once,
you will die twice.
If you are born twice,
you will die only once.
The family that prays together
stays together.
God accepts
kne e-mail!
 Heavenly Mathematics:
1 cross + 3 nails = 4 given

 "Peace is the presence of God,
not the absence of conflict".

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